Syed Jamaluddin likes to describe himself as a political commentator and author. Read his 'books', if you can get past the poorly written text and pidgin english, and you'll realise he's neither of these. Instead, he's a man without a profession desperately seeking attention, living in Germany having sought asylum, and funding himself through a series of financial fraud schemes which we will outline below.

Ultimately he is a typical small time fraudster with big dreams. He'd like to be the Wolf of Wall Street, but he's just the donkey of Karachi.

A resemblance in appearance and character

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Jamaluddin runs away from face to face meeting AGAIN

Just as he did previously, Jamaluddin has run away when faced with meeting one of his victims. He avoids facing 'clients' who have figured out how his scam operates at all costs. He may well agree to meet you however if you are fresh meat.

This week representatives from Goldrock Global Trade PTE visited Heidelberg, Germany. Despite all his big talk, upon hearing of their arrival Jamaluddin suddenly left town (and then returned the day after their departure).

What we are dealing with is a smalltime scammer and confidence trickster. What he says, and what he does, are usually complete opposites. We have hundreds of emails that are testimony to this.

Take a look at one of his emails below prior to the visit of the Goldrock reps. Note the attempt to impress by mentioning an 'American express credit card' - which might impress Jamaluddin's own village people back in Pakistan, but not any serious businessperson.

Click on the image below to enlarge.

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