Syed Jamaluddin likes to describe himself as a political commentator and author. Read his 'books', if you can get past the poorly written text and pidgin english, and you'll realise he's neither of these. Instead, he's a man without a profession desperately seeking attention, living in Germany having sought asylum, and funding himself through a series of financial fraud schemes which we will outline below.

Ultimately he is a typical small time fraudster with big dreams. He'd like to be the Wolf of Wall Street, but he's just the donkey of Karachi.

A resemblance in appearance and character

Monday, November 25, 2013

Syed Jamaluddin's legal status

In his efforts to charm you and impress you, Syed Jamaluddin, the 'CEO' of Argo International GmbH (and as far as we can tell, its only staff member) will claim all sorts of things.

Bizarrely, and we still can't understand why he said this, he claimed to us that he previously held a British passport but then decided to exchange it for a German one. In itself, this doesn't make logical sense, since a British passport is slightly easier to travel with internationally than a German one. But, as with most things he says, if you dig deeper you'll find that this is a barefaced lie anyway.

A quick google search and I came across a blog post from 2009 which detailed how Jamaluddin was being held in an asylum centre in Germany (presumably awaiting deportation). Essentially, as recently as four years ago Jamaluddin was an asylum seeker with Pakistani nationality awaiting deportation from Germany, not a former British citizen and certainly not a German citizen. While his legal status in itself makes no difference to us, as asylum seekers/refugees are just as capable of doing good business as anyone else, it is another example of his petty lies.

Syed Jamaluddin's current legal status is anyone's guess, but one thing is certain: he himself is not a trustworthy source of information on anything.

Check the following link for the aforementioned blog post:

Also note that the author of this post has cut off all ties with Jamaluddin and wants nothing to do with him anymore. Was he also stung by the confidence trickster's charms? Try contacting him yourself, if you are being scammed by Jamaluddin, and see what he says.

I've also attached a screenshot of the blog, should the original blog be taken down for some reason.

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