Syed Jamaluddin likes to describe himself as a political commentator and author. Read his 'books', if you can get past the poorly written text and pidgin english, and you'll realise he's neither of these. Instead, he's a man without a profession desperately seeking attention, living in Germany having sought asylum, and funding himself through a series of financial fraud schemes which we will outline below.

Ultimately he is a typical small time fraudster with big dreams. He'd like to be the Wolf of Wall Street, but he's just the donkey of Karachi.

A resemblance in appearance and character

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Police Investigation

Dear all,

A police investigation is officially underway in Germany into Syed Jamaluddin's activities. Several victims have now passed on their evidence to the authorities. It will take time as these things do, but we are confident, given the mass of evidence against him and the fact that the authorities are now taking this seriously, that Jamaluddin will be behind bars or on the run sooner or later.

If you are one of the many victims of this confidence trickster, and you wish to add your evidence and complaint to this investigation, please email us at and we will pass you the contact details of the investigating officer.

In solidarity.


  1. Hello Doubt the whole exercise is redundant now, Jamaluddin has proved himself.
    Hope this is published, because a few weeks ago I posted a comment but it was censored!! Dont know why but maybe it was to positive in Jamaluddins favour.

    1. Please provide some evidence in order to be taken seriously. We don't allow misinformation on this blog - that is what Jamaluddin's blog is for. Everything published here is based on factual documentary evidence, which is provided for examination. If we are unsure of something, we publish it with a caveat.

      I note that your comment was posted on the same day as Jamaluddin. He's been known to make fake user accounts to defend himself, since nobody who's actually had the misfortune to have dealings with him will touch him with a barge pole.

      Finally, the police investigation is real and genuine. Interesting to note that your 'firm' has refused to talk about this candidly on the telephone - another sign perhaps that it's just jamaluddin hiding behind a computer.

  2. Do you guys know his telefon number which he used to communicate with victims?

    1. 00 49 176 32440017. But he has several sim cards.
