Syed Jamaluddin likes to describe himself as a political commentator and author. Read his 'books', if you can get past the poorly written text and pidgin english, and you'll realise he's neither of these. Instead, he's a man without a profession desperately seeking attention, living in Germany having sought asylum, and funding himself through a series of financial fraud schemes which we will outline below.

Ultimately he is a typical small time fraudster with big dreams. He'd like to be the Wolf of Wall Street, but he's just the donkey of Karachi.

A resemblance in appearance and character

Monday, May 4, 2015

US Court Documents show how Jamaluddin attempted to steal vasts sums of money

This court case took place several years ago, and explains why Jamaluddin ran away from the US on his student visa and now lives as an asylum seeker in Germany. We weren't aware of this previously, but it ties in perfectly with the way he operates. It is just another piece of evidence, this time from the US government, that proves he is a fraudster, and not a very good one.

Check for yourselves:

And further US court documents which specifically name Jamaluddin: