We have received the entire bulk of Jamaluddin's communications with several of his victims. These emails and SMS messages detail how he ropes victims in with glittering promises and then begins abusing them once he's squeezed out as much money as possible from them in 'up front fees' and various other 'charges' - charges for a service that never materialises.
We will begin publishing these emails in the coming days and weeks in order to prevent further innocent victims from losing their hard earned funds to this shameless confidence trickster.
Please see our many other posts over the past several months for evidence on how this fraudster operates.
Our advice to anyone who is thinking of getting into business with this idiot, and doubts our evidence, is very simple:
Involve a reputable and experienced European lawyer from the very beginning and ask him/her what they think of jamaluddin's 'contracts' and his 'company'. Any genuine experienced lawyer will recognise this immediately for what it is: a scam.
You will find many of Jamaluddin's victims also on another blog, begging for help and advice now that he's swallowed their money.
EDIT: Since writing this post, we have been advised not to publish the correspondence as it could 'prejudice' legal proceedings in Germany and the UK. We have however been sent some other material which again proves how obvious a scam this is. We will publish that shortly.
Syed Jamaluddin likes to describe himself as a political commentator and author. Read his 'books', if you can get past the poorly written text and pidgin english, and you'll realise he's neither of these. Instead, he's a man without a profession desperately seeking attention, living in Germany having sought asylum, and funding himself through a series of financial fraud schemes which we will outline below.
Ultimately he is a typical small time fraudster with big dreams. He'd like to be the Wolf of Wall Street, but he's just the donkey of Karachi.
Ultimately he is a typical small time fraudster with big dreams. He'd like to be the Wolf of Wall Street, but he's just the donkey of Karachi.